Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Dermal-Piercing process

EVERYday I get at least 2 people questioning my dermal-piercings. So here's the scoop:

As much as I'd like to embelish and say I have two screws wedged in either side of my face, just slightly grazing my skull- thats not the case! Nor am i that much of a G. lol. Simply, imagine a small implant just beneath the surface of the skin. With three small incisions the seed-sized frame is embedded and the jewel simply screws atop the part left sticking out. simple! for the most part- painless. not all that cost-efficient [i paid $85 per], but cool. And for now MAJOR att. grabbers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

do you have any pictures of your dermals you could share i would lov to see!