Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy belated birthday to me! I'm 20! Ironically, my New Year's Eve birthday was spent much like the previous year. I over-indulged in things I didn't need [i.e. FOOD], complained [alot], talked about what I wanted to do [only didn't], stayed in, and rounded the night off with a prayer. It was a good day.

I'm not the 'resolution' type [if there is a such]. In fact, I suppose if I had a resolution [which I don't] it'd be to become a better 'Resolutionist'. Go figure. At any rate, I have great intentions for 2009. Yes. I like that. I am an 'Intentionist'! I don't think its as rule-bearing as making resolutions. I just look forward to whats to come. And I hope to remain as enthused as I am now throughout the year-


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