Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Congrats to PRESIDENT Barack H. Obama.
Congrats to a new United States of America.
Congrats to today.
All that.

its love.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Common feat. on the cover of this month's YRB Magazine. Check it out-
love him.

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Happy New Year

Happy belated birthday to me! I'm 20! Ironically, my New Year's Eve birthday was spent much like the previous year. I over-indulged in things I didn't need [i.e. FOOD], complained [alot], talked about what I wanted to do [only didn't], stayed in, and rounded the night off with a prayer. It was a good day.

I'm not the 'resolution' type [if there is a such]. In fact, I suppose if I had a resolution [which I don't] it'd be to become a better 'Resolutionist'. Go figure. At any rate, I have great intentions for 2009. Yes. I like that. I am an 'Intentionist'! I don't think its as rule-bearing as making resolutions. I just look forward to whats to come. And I hope to remain as enthused as I am now throughout the year-