Monday, December 15, 2008


LMAO!! THIS IS ALMOST COMPARABLE TO 'CRAZY GIRL ON TRAIN'. Now, I am by NO MEANS political. I actually try to stray away from politics as much as I can [other than adhering to my honorable and thus righteous duties as a citizen of EARTH]. But otherwise, I have my opinions. And in my O_PINION- THIS SHIT HILARIOUS!

For those unaware, its customary in Iraq/Arab-culture for shoes to be used as a sign of belittlement and UTTER disrespect because "it is the dirtiest part on [also] the lowest part of one's body." After itd been torn down, some Iraqi-people used their shoes to beat the head of the statue Sadaam Husein...Which shines some light on just how special Pres. Bush must be!

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