I have a confession. I'm a baby. Well, I'd like think I've matured to a toddler-stage. oK- not literally! But concerning music- yes, i am not fully developed [probably nowhere near]. Actually, when I met Lu "Lupe Fiasco" thats one the first things I told him, "I just recently became a fan". Because I had. I'm talkin' like...the release of
The Cool-fan. But I absolutely Love HIS music [now] much along with Kaye [we go back to college dropout L0L!!] and N.E.R.D and i even like the Cool Kids. Basically, I've become acquainted with this whole different part of ME!! Anyway, I really wanted to take a min. and give MY feedback on the new hip-hop game.
I love it! I love the new extremes its reaching. Umm...gosh...I have so much I want to say. Its so important to understand why this music is good [because as many skateboard kids there are that feel what im feeling, there are a lot who still dont get it].
Good Music: I've been writing/reading poetry my whole life.
Mother to Son-Langston Hughes was the first piece I ever memorized. Ever since then I've fallen in love with it. Me and words have a relationship- no lie. And I've found that in the past I've merely skimmed the surface of rap/hip hop [the two
are different] because though often the music was lyrically sound, only in rare cases was it
profoundly so. And I have neither the patience nor time for that which does not stimulate. Still! We all have a universal goal just to be understood- to have someone say
i feel where you comin' from. Which is the very reason Hughes, and Gibran, and Frost, and Emerson, and Confucius etc.[it goes on forever] are as significant today as were during their generations; because each found a balance between whats relevant [to his/her generation] and whats timeless [to the world]and fused the two. Its about balance. Thats exactly what this new generation of Hip-Hoppers are doin'-a balancing act and its PURE POETRY!! Once I got that, there was no turning back!! I was listenin' to "Dumb it down" [Lupe Fiasco] and i can't lie- I don't care how intelligent you are, at some point you're gonna have to break out the encyclopedia listenin' to Lupe. As an Eng. major, naturally, I broke it down as I would do any poem/paper. He
basically talks about how the demographic he appeals to wants him to "dumb down" his lyrics [make them more commercial so to speak], but in contrast they're still buyin', still supportin', and still listenin' to his music. So he opts NOT to "dumb it down". As it goes, Just as
i dont always understand everything he raps about, i inadvertently am becoming more endowed...
just listenin'. Sometimes thats all it takes.
Just listen. Its like when you're little and you dont want to take medicine, so your mom crunches it into tiny pieces and sprinkles it into juice or something. Anything to distract you from knowing you're being fed whats necessary. Its the same thing. Our generation is so accustomed to things quick- we dont take time to read or properly digest. But we HAVE to get fed.
So crunch it up and give it to me over a beat! Yo, we're begging for it!! Its [really] just about leaving your impression on this Earth so that when you're long gone someone can look where your foot imprinted [and perhaps not know who you were or what you did] but they can feel you-